Desalination Technology Development Benchmark

The more and more growing range of technology used in the desalination industry demonstrates the pressure of development in this market segment.

The variety of new technological possibilities increases the selection further.

A safe classification of a new technology according to clear and comprehensive rules gives the requested and necessary orientation to every market player, starting from the developer via the investor up to the operator.

In case you or your organization needs an independent benchmark of your own technology DME does provide this service within its consulting services.

DME developed a 10 rating scale and adopted it to the newest technologies in water processing.

The different levels of a technological development are described and classified as follows on the right:

  1. Somewhere at an undefined date someone has a new idea or assumption.
  2. Someone publishes this idea or assumption on a scientific or technical platform, thus it will be discussed.
  3. Some others get interested in this initial idea and start to analyse this idea in order to either proof the correctness or to find antithesis. They publish their work.
  4. Research institutes start scientific analysis, refine the work and publish their results.
  5. Research institutes and companies, probably in cooperation, work out refinements/profound ideas which are worth to be protected. They apply for a utility patent or a patent.
  6. Patent applications will be checked and patents will be granted.
  7. Companies start the production of first small-scale series and do some refinements; they build pilot plants for entering the market.
  8. The new “idea” becomes a product, prevails against alternative solutions on the market and becomes a market player.
  9. The product becomes a standard solution on the market.
  10. The product will be copied by competitors and becomes a “mass product“.